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 Our Creed

​​Do the right thing

BTW, knowing what the right thing to do is the easy part

Rules of Engagement
Have Integrity


Be Honest, Respectfully Forthright.

Be Kind and Fair-Minded.

Create “win/win” situations, always.


Help others... Even if (especially if) there's nothing in it for you.

And Keep Your Promises.

Strive to Be the Best


​Be extraordinary, outstanding.

Do something amazing.

Add value.


Provide superior services/solutions to our customers.

They are, in fact, the reason we all have jobs. 

They deserve our best efforts.

Enjoy life


We each have one life to live.

Work is important, so enjoy your work and do great things.

But then go enjoy your life...

Be fully present with your friends and family, get away from the screens, turn off your phone, hug your kids, kiss your spouse, cheer up a friend, take a vacation, prioritize fun, laugh often, love habitually.


What could be better than that?

Take Care of Our Employees


​We know we have the potential to have a huge impact on the lives of our employees.

We are committed to that impact being a positive one.

We will pull out all the stops to support our employees in any way we can.

And... If you ever have an issue at work, we WILL have your back.

Alignment Within


We are building a company that we can all be proud to call home.

​We strive to hire engineers with similar values.

  • People who have a commitment to performing quality work for our customers

  • People who conduct themselves with honesty, integrity and professionalism

  • People who treat others with kindness, consideration, honesty and respect

And Last but Not Least...

Pay It Forward ----->>>>

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